Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Foundation Stallions

In 1994, Newfoundland pony stallions were so few in number that a search was launched to comb the Island in the hope of turning up breeding stock. Eight stallions were found. Deerfield Farm's stallions are first generation descendants of three of these "found" bloodlines: Rusty of the Black River; Skipper of Avalon; and Prince Tamarack.
Skipper of Avalon
Of the 300 or so ponies that remain, many are geldings and aged mares. The number of ponies able to carry on the breed is still relatively small. The Newfoundland Government has recognized the pony as a Heritage Animal and ponies can only leave the Island with the issuance of a government permit assuring that they are going to reputable breeders. Newfoundland Pony Society acts as official registrar for the breed.

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