Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wanted New Home for Beothic’s Jake’s Ramon

Jake Radical Color Changer

Jake comes from a long line of very nice looking and well put together ponies. Grand dams Cocoa and Strawberry appear to be half-sisters and came from the Burin Peninsula while Prince Tamarack was from Random Island in Trinity Bay. Jake comes from registered stock.
Please consider this pony if you are looking for a nice Newfoundland Pony. Also, you may know of someone who is looking for a Newfoundland Pony. Viola Noel can be reached at 709-596-3037 or and she will provide you with more details about Jake.

Jake’s pedigree is as follows:

Sire: Beothic’s Dandylion #589
•       Grandsire: Beothic’s Blackberry #574
•       Great Grandsire: Beothic’s Blueberry #361B
•       Great Great Grandsire: Prince Tamarack #206
•       Great Great Great Grandsire: Unknown
•       Great Great Great Grand Dam: May
•       Great Great Grand Dam: Belle of Avalon #338
•       Great Grand Dam: Beothic’s Cocoa #224
•       Great Great Grandsire: Star
•       Great Great Grand Dam: Rusty
•       Grand Dam: Beothic’s Strawberry #225
•       Great Grand Sire: Star
•       Great Grand Dam: Strawberry ‘I’
Dam: Beothic’s Lucky Girl #427E
•       Grandsire: Beothic’s Blueberry #361B
•       Great Grandsire: Prince Tamarack #206
•       Great Great Grandsire: Unknown
•       Great Great Grand Dam: May
•       Great Grand Dam: Belle of Avalon #338
•       Grand Dam: Beothic’s Cocoa #224
•       Great Grandsire: Star
•       Great Grand Dam: Rusty

  3 Attached Images

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