Monday, October 21, 2013

Newfoundland Pony Ancestors

By Pat Morris Newfoundland Pony Association

Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
It had long been my dream to visit the Outer Hebrides due to their remoteness and position facing the North Atlantic. This was before I had ever heard of the Eriskay Pony and its near extinction situation. I thought I would find these islands similar to the eastern coast of Newfoundland and to some extent they were. Eriskay and South Uist were probably the most like this area of Newfoundland being very rugged and barren but there were parts of the other Hebridean Islands that were familiar for me too.
Despite our making contacts and almost firmed-up arrangements prior to our departure from Canada, our plans to see Eriskay Ponies did not go well. We had been told there were Eriskay Ponies running free on the Holy Isle off Arran so this was our first destination. However, shortly before we were to depart to the Holy Isle the ferry was cancelled. It was to have been the last run of the day so our trip there had to be abandoned. Also, email transmission and receipt was sporadic due to the geography and somehow our arrival date had gotten mixed up. A pony owner couple on Eriskay were expecting us but not until the following week. Our arrival was a complete surprise to them and we were very lucky to find them home. Only days before our arrival, their ponies had been turned out on the summer pasture and were now nowhere close at hand to be seen. Thankfully, there were still a few ponies at home in a neighbour’s garden or this excursion might have turned out to be very disappointing as far as gaining any insight into the Eriskay Pony was concerned.
Eriskay Ponies at Home in the Outer Hebrides
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
This ferry map has been included to provide you with some idea of the remoteness of these islands from mainland Scotland. The ferry service was excellent and we highly recommend it. We experienced very pleasant journeys and meals aboard ship as we island hopped. In all, we took 5 ferries to get where we wanted to go. One trip was a quite lengthy through a long channel from Oban before crossing open sea to South Uist – about a 5 hour run. From South Uist we were able to drive across a causeway to the Isle of Eriskay (namesake of these ponies). Had we known beforehand that there were Eriskay Ponies on the Isle of Barra too, we would have rerouted to take in this island as well. We found all the islands in the Outer Hebrides to be quite beautiful and yet quite different from one another. All were well worth visiting.
The official Caledonian MacBrayne Hebridean & Clyde Ferries website is an excellent resource for trip planning as it also includes tourist info:
Map Caledonian MacBrayne - Hebridean & Clyde Ferries
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
Our hosts on the Isle of Eriskay were Donald John and Kirsty Rodgers. These pony owners and dedicated others on these islands have been working for many years to save the Eriskay Pony. The Eriskay Pony numbers were down to 20 mares and no stallions in 1972 when the efforts to save the breed began. It has been a difficult uphill endeavor. Initially Highland stallions were put to the remaining mares. Fortunately, a purebred Eriskay stallion was eventually found and a new breeding plan was established. Now they have two breeding groups: 1) pure Eriskay and 2) those ponies going through grading-up program due to the earlier infusion of Highland Pony blood.
The pure Eriskay Ponies are direct descendants of the ancient native stock that existed on the Hebrides. They are physically similar to drawings of ponies found on ancient Pickish stones in the north and west of Scotland. Their roots are Celtic and Norse. They may not have been influenced by foreign blood but they certainly would have influenced other breeds such as the Icelandic Horse and perhaps even the Newfoundland Pony. Certainly, The Western Isles are on the ancient trade route from the points south, to the Faroe Islands, Iceland and beyond.
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
I believe you will see a great deal of similarity between these Eriskay Ponies and the Newfoundland Pony. When the early settlers bound for Newfoundland in the early 1600’s sought tough and hardy cattle from Scotland who is to say that some of these ponies were not included in the shipments. The Eriskay Ponies are easy keepers and are kept outside in all kinds of weather conditions in the Hebrides.
The Outer Hebrides were settled by Vikings (Norse) for a period of about 400 years between 850 and 1266. These Norse intermarried with the local population and eventually many of these Norse Hebrideans played a significant part in the colonization of Iceland. Many living on these islands today are descendants of these Norse Hebrideans. The primary language on these islands today is Gaelic and all signage is bilingual – Gaelic/English.
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
This lad was a very friendly and helpful. These ponies belong to his family. We were very thankful to be able to see and photograph their ponies. He was very proud of the Eriskay Pony and wanted us to see them at their best – he is trying to stand this yearling filly square toward my camera. He told us the status of their ponies re the breeding up program. They were almost 100% pure. He was quite impressed that we had come all the way from Canada to see their Eriskay Ponies.
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
We left Eriskay behind and crossed the causeway back to the Isle of Uist. We had a bit of a drive from South Uist to North Uist for our next ferry and we planned to overnight in North Uist close to the ferry terminal. We did not have advance tickets and due to time constraints we needed to be on the first ferry to Harris. We passed these Eriskay Ponies in a pasture near the roadside and turned the car around to take photos. The ponies came over to the fence as soon as the car stopped. They were obviously friendly and curious. Maybe it was near their dinner time too but somehow I don’t think they needed anything given their lush field. I wish I could tell you more about this mare and her yearling filly. I probably should have knocked on the farm door and asked a few questions but it was around the dinner hour and I didn’t want to disturb the owners and we still had a way to go before putting up for the night.
I did purchase a couple of books before leaving The Western Isles. One was a small mostly picture book about the Eriskay Pony, the foundation animals and the movement to save them. It quotes Calum MacNeill co- founder of Comann Each nan Eilean “There have always been ponies on Eriskay”. There is another interesting point mentioned. Dr. Elspeth Milne, Scottish Agricultural College, on inspecting CEnE for EEC recognition in 2000 noted – “The breed is known to change characteristics when moved to an environment different from its native islands.” Maybe we should take note of this observation considering our Newfoundland Ponies. The other book is a postcard tour from Barra to North Uist based on old photographs. The book contains many photos of Eriskay Ponies taken between 1897 and 1933 and these ponies look identical to the ponies that we saw on Eriskay and Uist so their characteristics have not changed in the one hundred intervening years . Here is a recent article from the Hebrides News about the Eriskay Ponies which is well worth a read:
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
As mentioned in the docu- mentation, most Eriskay Ponies today are grey. They are born other colours but eventually turn grey. You can still make out this filly’s star and perhaps a snip. Also, the darker legs on the mare which indicate that she may have been bay at one time. The grey gene is the most dominant gene and will take over the population colour if allowed.
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
The Eriskay Pony – Breed Standard and Showing Requirements
Please note that there are two separate organizations involved with the Eriskay Pony. The standards and showing requirements for each have been included.
Comann Each nan Eilean – Eriskay Pony Society – The Mother Society
The Studbook of Comann Each nan Eilean – the Eriskay Pony Society is recognised worldwide as the mother studbook for the Eriskay Pony.
GENERAL Since the Eriskay Pony is a native breed, owing more of its characteristics to natural selection than to human influence, it is the policy of the Eriskay Pony mother society not to be too rigid about standardisation. From a long term point of view, a little normal biological variation is quite good.
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
TEMPERAMENT The excellent temperament of Eriskay Ponies is one of their most distinctive and valuable features. All Eriskay Ponies should be placid and amenable with no signs of viciousness or aggression.
CONFORMATION A certain amount of flexibility is allowed. Generally, however, ponies must have the conformation of a good horse and, in addition, have those specific points which distinguish Eriskay Ponies: - as follows
• Withers Height: 12.0 hh to 13.2hh
• Body: generous in all dimensions, relative to the height of the legs.
• Chest: well sprung: ideally having a gentle but pronounced slope from the spine downwards towards the full width of the ribcage.
• Head: ample width, length and depth to the extent of being considered large by the standards of most horse breeds; not coarse; straight profile; large nasal cavity allowing for cold air to be warmed before reaching the lungs.
• Teeth: incisor teeth should meet evenly and there should only be a very slight angle; this angle will naturally increase with age.
• Neck: shorter and thicker than in ‘specialised riding horses'.
• Dock: low, but not excessively so; the ideal animal should show a gentle graceful curve from the croup to the pin bone with the dock situated in the middle third of this curve; the tail should not be well "set on", i.e. it should be tucked in close to the hindquarters to provide adequate protection for the perineum and groin.
• Legs: viewed from the front, knees and fetlock wide and flat, viewed from the side, leg almost straight from elbow to fetlock
• Shoulders: well muscled, not course or lumpy, can be more upright than those of ‘specialised riding horses'.
• Pasterns: are shorter and more upright than those found in Arabs and thoroughbreds , though not quite so short and upright as in heavy draught horses.
• Feet: small with hard horn; a little more upright and ‘ blocky ' and with slightly higher heels than those of ‘ specialised riding horses'; soles rather flat; frogs small.
• Hair: forelock, mane and tail well developed and generous in quantity; ideally this hair should be wavy to shed rain efficiently; caudal fringe should always be discernible; vortices anterior to the stifle region well developed. There should not be much feather, only a tuft.
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Eriskay Pony
COLOUR No colour will deem an animal unsuitable in spite of the dominant and distinctive Eriskay colour pattern of black turning to grey; in dark coloured animals there should be a light coloured muzzle and a light coloured ring round the eye; there should not be a pronounced eel stripe; nearly all Eriskay Ponies are born black, a few remain so but the vast majority gradually turn grey as they grow.
The following figures can be regarded as a guide:
Measurement Guideline
Withers height 120 – 137 cms (Note: 11.8 hh – 13.5 hh) Body length (point of shoulder to pin bone) 105% - 125% of withers height Length of head (commissure of lips to nuchal crest) 35% - 45% of withers height Point of hock to ground 28% - 35% of withers height Girth (pulled on spring balance to 10kgms) 108% - 130% of withers height (to attempt to obviate the confusing factor of fat cover)
Circumference of fore cannons minimum 16 cms (Note: 6.3 inches) Circumference of hind cannons minimum 17 cms (Note: 6.7 inches)
ACTION Legs are not lifted high and steps are short. This allows economy of energy and leads to increased endurance.
Guidelines for Inspection 1 Allowances may be made for ponies showing fear because they have not been handled much. 2 A barrel shaped chest will not constitute a serious fault. 3 The condition known as 'parrot mouth' if not excessive, should be regarded with great caution as it is sometimes seen in foals of this breed but disappears on maturation. 4 The following conditions, if not severe, will not constitute faults; calf knees, sickle hocks and cow hocks. 5 Double vortices are not a fault. 6 A faint eel stripe in young animals is quite acceptable. 7 A double mane is frequently seen and is quite acceptable. 8 A dish face is not acceptable.
Note Definitions:
Caudal Fringe = tail fringe or snow chute Pin Bone = point of buttock Commissure = line where lips or eyelids meet Nuchal Crest = nape of the neck; top of poll Vortices = ??
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Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Highland Pony

Newfoundland Pony: Ancestors and Relatives Fell Pony

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Song for the Newfoundland Pony

A worthy tribute to the place and its wonderful little pony. Hope it tugs at your heart strings as it did mine.

The video below is dedicated to the memory of Debbie Bray for her love of the Newfoundland Pony and her work toward the survival of the breed. I think you will all enjoy this video and appreciate what it means for the Newfoundland Pony to have this wonderful and very special song.

If you wish to purchase either CD, they can be ordered through Marie-Lynn, or downloaded digitally. There is a form/link on her website at .

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pony Sancturies

There is an important and immediate need for your assistance. Please read on and learn how you can help.

Yesterday was very special day for the Newfoundland Pony because there was another fund raising event. This time it took place at Bay Roberts, NL. Byron Hierlihy, a fellow pony owner, co-ordinated this event on behalf of Newfoundland Pony Pals to help the Newfoundland Ponies in the province through the Change Island Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary and the Cappahayden Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary. This was the second event of its kind. The first took place at Cupids a few weeks ago and it was a great success. If you live in Newfoundland, you probably heard about these events through the media. I have attached a letter from Byron explaining their purpose (.docx and .doc format). Many pony owners and supporters like Tammy Webber and Kevin Dawson are helping with this endeavor and I wish them continued success because the cause is good and the need is great. The Change Islands Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary and the Cappahayden Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary are very important to Newfoundland. These sanctuaries must be able to continue their good work and we can help from afar by providing support and financial assistance.  

The Fund Raising Events


Change Islands Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary

I know most of you are familiar with the Change Islands Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary. It was originally called the Change Island Newfoundland Pony Refuge. Visiting Change Islands is a must see for anyone visiting Newfoundland and wanting to understand the history and the culture of outport life. This cannot be done without understanding the role the Newfoundland Pony played in the remote and isolated outport existence. Netta LeDrew has deep roots in Change Islands and has been involved from the beginning in bringing the Newfoundland Pony back to these beautiful islands. Netta manages this sanctuary and she loves the Newfoundland Pony. Since Newfoundland Ponies once again became part of her life, she has had all manner of experiences with the ponies she cares for and has wonderful stories to tell about them including how she successfully mothered the rejected foal Angel. Many tourists make their way to Change Islands just to see and hear about Newfoundland Ponies. In reality, Netta is also running a Newfoundland Pony Education Centre.  She has all manner of ponies - from old mares to babies and others in between. There are 11 ponies in total at this time. There is a breeding program to help increase the numbers of these critically endangered ponies.  Netta also provides pony, buggy and sleigh rides. Of course, the resident and visiting children are wild for the ponies and this is a wonderful starting place for a lifelong love of the Newfoundland Pony. If we cannot interest the youth in becoming involved and loving these heritage animals, there will be no one to preserve and protect them when we are gone.

Please see the following webpage: and also read this recent article for more information about this sanctuary and the current situation: . Netta needs a new barn in order to breed and/or rescue more ponies. For this, she will need significant funding and there is no government grant money available. She has already acquired the necessary land for the new building and will be preparing the site for construction. Netta is also in the process of applying for charity status for the sanctuary. Change Islands is reached by ferry from Farewell. It is located near Twillingate and Fogo Island.

Sanctuary Barn                                                                       Yearlings on One of the Pastures

Netta and Gelding Jigger                                                                                                                       Netta and Young Betsy with Strawberry
(27 years Old) in Background

Cappahayden Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary

Liz Chafe is another steadfast rock in the Newfoundland Pony’s world.  She returned to Newfoundland after living in Ontario for a number of years where she bred and showed various breeds of dogs. Liz has always loved and kept horses so she is a very horsey person full of equine knowledge. Liz grew up with Newfoundland Ponies in the Goulds area and never lost her passion for the ponies. It is not surprising that her intention on her return was to help the breed. She researched bloodlines and acquired a number of Newfoundland Ponies to start a breeding program.  Of course, through this endeavor she made many contacts with pony people and found herself getting more and more involved in helping people with their ponies and educating people about the Newfoundland Pony. Liz is also an artist and her creative energy and talent have helped her promote the Newfoundland Pony too. She has provided a Newfoundland Pony exhibit at the Renews-Cappahayden Cultural Weekend Fair for a number of years. 

Liz’s pony activities cannot help but bring her in contact with ponies in distress or trouble. Here she has worked relentlessly when help was needed. You may recall a few urgent requests for financial assistance to help Liz rescue ponies from difficult situations. She continues to help the Newfoundland Pony in any way possible. Liz helps everyone with their pony questions. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will find the answer. She is knowledgeable about the Newfoundland Pony – its history, care and feeding, breeding and pedigree lines. Liz now has a few stalls available should it become necessary to take in rescues. Winter is usually the time when these serious circumstances present themselves. Having funds readily available will help her to make the quick decisions necessary to save ponies’ lives or get them immediately out of bad situations.  Sometimes the best route to take is to purchase the needy animals and remove them rather than wait until they are beyond or almost beyond help. Many animals will need veterinarian attention. They will also need care and maintenance until they are rehabilitated and can be placed in new homes. All this requires financial assistance. Liz was involved in helping at least 6 ponies in trouble during the last year.

Liz’s website is as follows: . Her farm is located at Cappahayden which is on the Irish Loop south of Ferryland on the Avalon Peninsula. Many tourists travel this route and many stop at her door when they see her ponies. This is another prime education opportunity site and Liz does her best to share her knowledge about the pony with everyone who stops by. 

Liz with a Few of Her Ponies

Liz Leading Her Very Pregnant Mare Queen while Her Stallion Dawson                             Mares on the Pasture
Looks On

Recent Rescues

Filly and mare from the Trepassey rescues – Joie and Queen Ally – summer 2013 on Feather Point pasture.  Debbie Bray was also involved with these rescues. She and her father Herb Bray provided them with a new home. Debbie rescued many ponies while she lived. It was one of her greatest joys.

Queen and her 2013 filly. Vicky Walsh and her family fostered these ponies back to health. The filly was born at their place.

Queen (pregnant at the time) along with the stallion Mozart, gelding Andy and a yearling colt were in a starvation situation early this year. The yearling succumbed before the rescuers were able to get him off the property but the rest were saved in time. The remaining ponies have since recuperated and have found new homes thanks to Liz Chafe, Vicky Walsh and others who provided support and/or funding. 

Sanctuary Situation in Newfoundland

Many of you may be under the mistaken impression that the equine sanctuary at Hopeall, NL is still taking in ponies and horses in distress and caring for them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The gates to the HAPPA-NL Sanctuary at Hopeall, NL are closed and the fences are in disrepair. There are no resident equine and this has been the case for over a year. It is my understanding that HAPPA-NL is still somewhat functional since they will try to place animals in trouble in foster homes when they receive calls for assistance. However, this is a long way from the work that was being done by this organization in the past when food and shelter could be provided immediately at their Hopeall farm location. 

I think you can understand that there is a great need for Newfoundland Pony rescue and education work to continue. Thankfully, Netta LeDrew and Liz Chafe are doing their best to help the Newfoundland Pony in the province but they need our assistance. The current situation re the HAPPA-NL Sanctuary has made their work all the more urgent and important.  These ladies have been working for the Newfoundland Pony for a good number of years and are dedicated to its cause and passionate about its survival. Please help them help the Newfoundland Pony. Please read the attached letter from Byron. I can only emphasis the need and importance of these funds for the Newfoundland Pony and reaffirm the commitment and dedication of both Netta and Liz to the Newfoundland Pony’s cause.   Please consider donating funds to help Byron and his team with the fund raising events or directly to Netta and/or  Liz toward their ongoing work for the Newfoundland Pony.

Byron can be contacted as follows:

Byron Hierlihy
C/O P.O. Box 267
South River, NL
709-786-7062/ 709-222-0121

Monday, August 19, 2013

Urgent - Newfoundland Pony Herd for Sale in Ontario - 9 Ponies Need Good Homes

Gaiden’s Brandy - 5 Year Old Proven Stallion – See attached Photo
-          Unregistered but will qualify with parent verification through DNA testing
-          AKA Dr. Jeon and Johnny Be Good
-          Gorgeous animal
-          Started under saddle and cart
-          Injured back foot but sound again (vet reports available)
-          YOB 2008
-          Height - 13.2 hh (will be verified)
-          Colour – Very dark brown (almost black) with star
-          Sire - Black Brandy #214 Foundation Stallion
-          Dam - Princess Belle #632 (Random Joe #220 (Prince Tamarack line) x Queen Ivimey # 370)
-          Current photos have been requested – previous 2010 sale info sheet attached

Flash – 3 Month Old Colt
-          Unregistered (registration will be dependent on finding grandmother Belle Beauty’s sire – DNA testing is underway)
-          YOB 2013
-          Colour - Dark brown with blaze (charcoal grey at birth)
-          Sire: Gaiden’s Brandy (see above for pedigree)
-          Dam: Bonavista Beauty (see below for pedigree)
-          Current photos have been requested

Bonavista Beauty – 4 Year Old Mare – See Attached Photo
-          Unregistered (registration will be dependent on finding dam Belle Beauty’s sire – DNA testing is underway)
-          Injury to leg (possibly by coyotes) scar visible but sound again (vet reports available)
-          YOB 2009
-          Height - 12.0  (will be verified)
-          Colour - Chestnut with light mane and tail
-          Sire: Vinland’s Jigamaree Jack #352C (Jake) – (Vinland’s Rusty of the Black River #207 x Vinland’s Black Beauty #269)
-          Dam: Belle Beauty Unregistered – See Attached Photo (Sire is unknown but possibly one of the stallions on Sally Nielsen’s property in 2001-2002 period – DNA testing to determine sire is underway (see Note 2 below) x Blonde Beauty #456)
-          Current photos have been requested – previous 2010 sale info sheet attached

Nielsen’s Star – 12 Year Old Mare – See Attached Photo
-          Registration # 614 (registered as Star)
-          YOB 2001
-          Height - 12.1 hh
-          Colour - Brown
-          Sire: Beothic’s Blueberry #361B (Prince Tamarack x Belle of Avalon #338)
-          Dam: Queens Porter #424 (Foundation mare – parents unknown)
-          Current photos requested – previous 2010 sales info sheet attached

Nielsen’s Winifred – 8 Year Old Mare – See Attached Photo
-          Unregistered but will qualify with parentage verification through DNA testing
-          YOB 2005
-          Height - 12.3 hh
-          Colour - Brown with star
-          Sire: Vinland’s Jigamaree Jack #352C (Jake) – (Vinland’s Rusty of the Black River #207 x Vinland’s Black Beauty #269)
-          Dam: Vickey of Avalon (Skipper of Avalon #208 x Annie of Avalon #321)
-          Current photos requested – previous 2010 sales info sheet attached

Judy O’Grady – 5 Year Old Mare – See Attached Photo
-          Unregistered but will qualify with parentage verification through DNA testing
-          YOB 2008
-          Height - 12.2 hh (will be verified)
-          Colour - Marble grey with star (possibly roan)
-          Sire: Vinland’s Jigamaree Jack #352C (Jake) – (Vinland’s Rusty of the Black River #207 x Vinland’s Black Beauty #269)
-          Dam: Vickey of Avalon (Skipper of Avalon #208 x Annie of Avalon #321)
-          Current photos requested – previous 2010 sales info sheet attached

Prince William – 2 Year Old Colt
-          Unregistered but will qualify with parentage verification through DNA testing
-          YOB 2011
-          Height - 11.2 hh
-          Colour - Marble grey
-          Sire: Likely either Tunis N or Nielsen’s Aries (see Note 3 below – DNA testing is underway)
-          Dam: Judy O’Grady (see above for pedigree)
-          Current photos requested

Duchess – 10 year old Mare – See Attached Photo
-          Unregistered (DNA testing to identify parents is underway)
-          YOB 2003
-          Height: 11.3 hh
-          Colour: Red Bay with no markings
-          No history re parents – DNA database needs to be searched for information
-          Current photos requested – previous 2010 sales sheet attached

Candy ‘S’ – 24 year old Mare
-          Registration #216
-          YOB 1989
-          Height - 13.1 hh
-          Colour - Dark bay, no markings
-          Foundation mare – Parents Unknown
-          Current photos requested


1)      These ponies have not had their 2013 shots and are due for hoof trims and worming in September. 

2)      There were two stallions at Sally Nielson’s farm in 2003. The sire of Belle Beauty could be one of these. DNA testing is underway to determine her sire if this is possible through the DNA database.
Trinity Cliff #527 (Harley Has It #521 (Unknown Sire x Red #526) x Pamela #348)
Greene Foley’s Lucas #356D (Dancey #205 x Dusty Greene #350A (Red October #467 x Grandmother’s Molly #466))

3)      There were three Newfoundland Pony stallions at Sally Nielsen’s farm at the time in 2008 when Bonavista Belle and Prince William were conceived. All these have been DNA tested and their parentage is proven to registered ponies. DNA testing is underway to determine the sires of Bonavista Belle and Prince William.   
Nielsen’s Aries – YOB 2005 - (Vinland’s Jigamaree Jack (Jake) #352C x Singapore Sling #594)
Tunis N – YOB 2005 - (Vinland’s Jigamaree Jack (Jake) #352C x Victor’s Newfie Girl #335A)
                Vinland’s Jigamaree Jack (Jack) #352C

Nine ponies must be sold as soon as possible. They are owned by Dale and Carl Henry who lease a farm near Peterborough, ON. The farm is being sold. Dale and Carl do not want to sell their ponies but are face with an impossible situation. To make matters worse, the farm owner wants the ponies off the property by Sept. 1, 2013. These ponies came from Sally Nielsen’s farm when the stock was sold after her death. Dale and Carl wanted to continue Sally’s work to save the Newfoundland Pony. More information about their ponies can be obtained directly from Dale and Carl. They can be reached on their cell phones at either 705-868-4508 or 705-957-2347. These lines both have voice mail access. Dale and Carl do not have email access.